“暇”系列 微波炉+小烤箱套系

COMFEE MWO+Toaster Oven

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

设计方 / Design


In-house Design

COMFEE=COMFORT +EASY+EATING 轻松舒适地吃。COMFEER是一群追求健康、舒适、合理、有调性生活状态的年轻人;通过深入研究他们的习惯、喜好以及生活状态,以年轻化的场景来呈现新形态的厨电产品。“暇”系列包括小烤箱和微波炉,整体设计简洁、轻快、舒适,调性十足,注重视觉与触觉的舒适性,以白色系呈现,配上深咖啡色的点缀,融进厨房整体环境的同时,给人一种清爽自然又带点格调的感受。简洁的交互逻辑,有趣的GUI设计,使用起来既简单又愉悦。

COMFEE=COMFORT +EASY+EATING, which means eating easily and comfortably. COMFEE is a group of young people who pursue a healthy, comfortable and rational personal life. Through an in-depth study of their habits, preferences and living conditions, a new form of kitchen appliances is presented in a younger scene. This series includes a toaster oven and microwave oven. The overall design is simple, light and comfortable. It focuses more on the visual and tactile comfort. It is presented in white with dark brown elements and blends into the overall kitchen environment. At the same time, it gives people a feeling of refreshing and a touch of style. Simple interaction logic and interesting GUI design make it simple and enjoyable to use.
